Wednesday, September 27, 2006

First Sniffles

For Keagan's 13 week old birthday he got a case of the sniffles! Yeay! No fever, thank goodness , just a sniffly, runny nose and a little coughing. Mommy is on hand with a nasal aspirator and some saline nose drops. Poor little guy. He was up with the symptoms a bit last night - and the coughing actually woke up Daddy (who normally sleeps through his normal fussing) so we're all working on less than our usual amount of sleep, but hopefully this will pass in a day or so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the first of thousands of colds! Its just that time of year! Good luck....emma use to love us to suck the boogies out of her nose with the boogie sucker! Strange but true! Cold medicine works great too! Don't be afraid to use it!