Tuesday, October 24, 2006

4 Month Checkup

Keagan had his four month checkup today. He is now 17lbs 9oz! That's 95th percentile for weight. He's also gained 3 1/2 inches since two months and is now 25 1/2 inches long, which is 50th percentile. Everything looks great. He got three more shots, poor little guy- two of which were the intramuscular kind. He was a trooper though. We also found out his PKU/metabolic disorder screening was normal. We asked about it because we hadn't yet heard anything and the nurse was like "umm.... I don't see any record of it being done".... which made our hearts race thinking we were going to have to put Keagan through that again, but they called the lab and found it- under my name of course which caused the confusion- and everything is fine. Whew! So all is well until 6 months for more vaccines. Oh, and I think I might have been wrong about that tooth popping out. I'm not sure what that white dot on his gums was, but it's gone now. He is definately teething, but no surfacing yet!

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