Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Teething Ring

Keagan has been chewing on his fists alot lately- definately some pre-teething action going on. In order to try to save his fists from becoming raw, I decided to buy a couple teething rings. The first I tried is in the shape of a hand with a hole in the palm. I put it in the freezer to get cold- assuming Keagan would like the cold on his gums. Unfortunately, the instant I put the cold teether to his lips he screamed. All too shocking! So I let it come up to room temperature and tried again. After some coaxing, and pretending to chew on it myself to make him laugh, Keagan understood the new toy and starting chewing away. He even held it in his two little hands for a while and put it in his mouth by himself a bit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you use a bottle at all, "Whole Foods" has these teeny tiny teething tablets that you drop into the bottle. They are perfectly safe and Charlotte NEVER woke up at night from teething. I think we even put up to 6 in her nighttime bottle!!