Wednesday, March 28, 2007

9 month Birthday!

Today is Keagan's 9 month birthday (as well as Uncle Joey's 27th Birthday- yeay!). So what is Keagan up to at nine months? Well, he is now doing some standing on his own, holding onto some sort of platform at arm height. I took a quick picture of it before getting back behind him because he doesn't always understand that he is holding himself up and often flings his body backwards to have me catch him and we laugh. His two big front teeth have both popped through- ouch! Which is making him quite grumpy at times and also has lead to a solid food strike since the weekend. Before that he was eating quite well and enjoys lots of fruits and veggies. He is still not quite crawling forward- but does alot of going in circles and backwards. He is not sleeping through the night, but has made improvements. He goes to bed around 7:00pm and wakes up (for good) sometime between 6:00 and 7:00am (no more 5:00am yeay!). If we are lucky, he won't wake up the first time until after midnight, and I don't nurse him at night until around 4:00am when he seems to wake up for a slightly longer stretch, but after nursing I put him back in his crib and he usually "talks" to himself for a while and goes back to sleep on his own. He is a pretty good napper (two naps, 1-2 hours each) and also usually puts himself to sleep for naps, with a little help from us giving him back his pacifier if need be. He is a very vocal and funny baby. There is not a day that goes by where I don't laugh out loud at his antics at least a couple times. So that's Keagan's 9 month summary. Oh, the other picture is his dashing new sun hat, which is not his favorite because it has a strap to keep it on, but he's dealing with it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved the 9 months summary. By the way, we have the same music table as in the pic... can't tell you how many times I sang the 1-10 numbers...