Friday, March 02, 2007

New Hat

Here's Keagan sporting his new hand-knit hat, thanks to Great-Grandma Joyce. Thanks to everyone for the encouragement with our sleep situation. It's a daily battle to keep him up past 6pm, but last night we did get him to be up till almost 7, and he was up at 4:45am, but able to be coaxed back to sleep till 6:00, thank goodness. Still waking every couple hours, but he also has a couple more teeth coming in right now (they are visible just under the gum- including his first upper one!) so that is certainly not helping. We also saw the dermatologist for a follow-up this week and things are going well. We have some more products at our disposal and we'll see the doctor again in a couple months, but it's looking like his case is not very hard to keep in check once the right methods are applied.

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