Monday, April 02, 2007

9 month Dr. Checkup

Keagan is now weighing exactly 21 pounds. He has actually fallen in his percentile from 90th to 60th in that category, so I guess he isn't so much "The Tank" anymore. He is still 50th for height and 75th for head circumference. Everything is looking great- no concerns. This week he has also started gesturing. He puts both hands up when he wants to be picked up. He just started "waving" a little bit- although mostly he points his fingers and palm of his hand to himself. He is also clapping. It's like a light went off in his head that hands are also for communicating.


Sarah G said...

Fun! You should get Hannah to teach him to sign - how fun would that be?! My sister taught my niece to sign and I have to admit, it was very handy to have her be able to communicate before she could actually speak.

Liza said...

60th percentile? So no World Wrestling Federation, huh? Well, he'll always be The Tank to us. Can we teach Keagan some naughty gestures?