Saturday, July 07, 2007

Who are you calling Shorty?

Keagan had his 1-year doctor visit this past week. He is a very healthy boy, as usual. The biggest surprise was that his weight is just below 50th percentile and his height is only 25th! The doctor was very reassuring and saying that it is possible he's just about to have a growth spurt and these things can change dramatically in a couple months- not that it's really anything to worry about anyway. Erik and I are both slightly below average height for US males and females, so we weren't exactly expecting an NBA star here.
At this appointment Keagan had to get his blood drawn for a Lead test. That was not fun. Luckily, the nurses at our family practice are great and with one holding his arm, while the other did the dirty work and Keagan sitting on Mommy's lap with Daddy restraining his frantic legs, we were able to get it done is short order. He did have a pretty good bruise on his arm afterwards, but he was a trooper. It was really the rubber arm band they put on before to get the vein popping that made him the most mad I think. Luckily, we don't have to do that again for a while now- just back to regular shots, yippee!

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