Friday, August 17, 2007

Ah, the joys of living with a dog

This morning Keagan held out his binky to Willow's face, Willow licked the binky, and then Keagan put the binky back in his mouth... mmmmm... yum! I was en route to stop this reimursion into Keagan's mouth, but was not fast enough. Oh well. I also did not realize how hard it would be to keep Willow from eating handoffs from Keagan either directly or from throwing food. I know, I know, "just let the dog do the clean up"... but Willow has a sensitive stomach and when he eats non-dog food (even not his own kind of dog food) we pay the price. So Willow is quarantined to his bed, or beyond the baby gate when we're eating. Luckily, he's a pretty well trained dog. And don't get me wrong- I wouldn't trade him away for the world, especially with how good he is with Keagan. Their new game is for Keagan to put his face up to Willow, Willow to lick it, Keagan to squeal with delight and pull away... repeat...


Anonymous said...

Living with 3 dogs, I see nothing wrong with this!! Pretty much par for the course over here! Charlotte now knows how to defend her food and hold things she's eating up higher, especially if it's a snack and she's playing with toys in the living room. Don't worry about it, the 2 of them will work it out!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just saw your Slurpy/Willow/Keagan germs are nowhere as dangerous as people germs! Slurping is as good for the baby as it is for the's a bonding thing. We've had 7 dogs - and none of us ever got a cold from any of them. Cute info on Keagan's growing's happening so fast! Congrats on being a new aunt! Love, Peg