Friday, August 10, 2007

Big Boy Update

Thought I'd share some fun developments: Keagan now has 12 teeth! We finally counted the other day because it seemed like every time we brushed his teeth, there was another one to brush! He's just popping them out left and right. Keagan says "uh-oh" all the time now, and it's adorable. He LOVES kid songs and music. When we get in the car he points to the radio and says "ah ah ah" until we put on his CD. Yesterday we went to a singalong that a music teacher in Maynard does on Thursdays during the summer and Keagan crawled to the other side of the carpet from where I was sitting and just sat with other kids for half the time we were there, bopping up and down to the music. Keagan is also getting into exploring how much he can climb on things. This picture is him in his chair- which he climbed in all by himself (although he can't get out safely) and reading a book- which he also loves to do. So that's what's new in our Big Boy world.

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