Thursday, September 27, 2007

When Good Diapers Get Wet

With this summer weather, Keagan and I beat the heat yesterday by splashing in his turtle pool in our yard. I thought "I won't bother with a swimmie diaper, how bad could it be to go in with his normal diaper"... well, as you can see, normal diapers are ABSORBANT! His diaper weighed 2lbs, 7oz... woah. When I saw how heavy his diaper was getting in the pool, I did take it off and let him go nude for a while. He was probably in that pool for a half hour- this kid loves the water- and why not, it was 90+ degrees yesterday! I didn't have my camera with me outside (and couldn't leave him by the pool to go get it!) to capture his cutie nudey booty- but I did get some shots on my phone, I just have to figure out how you get pictures _off_ my phone. Hopefully I can post some later. When we were back inside, I just had to take a couple shots of the mondo diaper. The poor baby would have thrown his back out trying to walk around with this thing on! Parents, don't try this at home.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

We found that out when Emma was about 18 months old in our pool! I thought the same thing! I was like, "Holy crap"....after that incident I did learn I could push the limits on the pee-pee diapers when out and about!