Tuesday, October 09, 2007

15 Month Check-up

Keagan had his 15 month check up at the doctor's office today. The jig is up about the doctor's office- he freaks as soon as a nurse comes into the room. He barely let the poor nurse do his head circumference- she had to do it twice because the first time she got a measurement that was LESS than his last one, and we were pretty sure his head didn't shrink! His stats are great: he's 24 lbs, 14 ounces (just above 50th percentile), 30 1/2 inches long (just below 50th percentile), and I forget what his head circumference actually was, but it was still up around 90th percentile- he's got a lot of brain in there! Heart, lungs, eyes, ears are all great- although it actually took the doctor a while to listen to his lungs because he was screaming, and when Keagan screams he takes long, exagerated breaths, not fast hyper breaths like other screamers, so she had to keep the stethescope on his chest LONGER- if only you could explain that to him. He had his MMR shot, another Polio (because apparently he was supposed to get another one of those a while back, but it was missed by accident) and the Varicella (chicken pox). Luckly two could be combined, so it was just two sticks, but he was still NOT happy about that! He's napping now with some Tylenol in him, so hopefully he's feeling ok.

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