Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Head over Heels fall

Keagan and I had a bit of a trauma yesterday. He was sitting on the leather recliner in our living room while I was standing about 2-3 feet away folding laundry from a basket on the couch. I was chatting away at him about something when out of the corner of my eye I saw his feet in the air and heard the most awful thud which I knew instantly was his head on the wood floor. He had flipped himself over the arm of the chair. I was over him so fast he was still in shock and hadn't even started screaming- but boy, did he scream. And rightfully so! My heart sank. How could I have let that happen. My mind started racing "do I call 911" "should we head right to the ER" ... "no, wait, let's see how he is first". I check his head- there's already a black and blue mark. He's moving his neck and limbs fine. I grab a baby ice pack in the freezer, but there was no way he was letting me keep it on his head. After he calms down a bit he starts saying "Willow...willow" and I think "Good, no memory loss". I put him down a second to let him stand up. He's really angry with me for doing it, but he can walk fine- Gross Motor Skills, check. I get a binky and his lovey and put on Teletubbies in the TV room. He stops crying and I grab a flashlight. Pupils are reacting normally. I call our doctor and get my favorite nurse. "I checked his pupils, they are reacting normally" I tell her. "That's good. You know what to look for, you could certainly come in if you want to, but you don't have to. Does he have a bump?" she asks. "Not much of a bump, but a black and blue". "Poor little guy. Well, if his behavior changes at all, definately call us or go to the ER, but he's probably fine". I thank her several times and hang up the phone. Keagan is happily watching TV and I step out of his vision and start sobbing. It's hard being a mom sometimes.


Anonymous said...

Don't be too hard on yourself...this just makes them tougher. I remember when Charlotte was probably only 10-11 months old, (she walked early....early walker,late talker) Arnold had her toddling down cellar with him (1st mistake).... she had a minor fall, but landed on a cordless screwdriver right above the eyebrow! She still has a little scar there! Boy was there blood and did Arnold get a talking to!!!

Daddy said...

It looks like he fell limp and rolled, because the 'black and blue' mark is so hard to see that I doubt I would notice it unless it was pointed out to me. It must have happened so fast that he didn't freak out and tense up. Regardless, it was still very traumatic all around.

Kristin said...

The one thing I learned all my years in the Children's Hospital Operating Room: kids have VERY hard heads and very bendy takes alot to hurt them or kill them for that matter! Keagan will be fine, it is more your post traumatic stress that will stay with you for awhile! Have a glass of wine! Kristin

Liza said...

Poor Lamber! Though it sounds like all those new moms first aid books paid for themselves. Keagan's a tough boy, but he sure gave his mommy a scare.