Thursday, January 24, 2008

Yogurt Face

Keagan has been battling a nasty cold this week which has made his appetite very low. One of the things he still usually wants to eat is yogurt. With this cold though, his opinions about how things should be done seem only to have gotten stronger. When Erik was trying to feed him some yogurt the other day Keagan was all "No!!' and pushing it away. I suggested Erik let Keagan hold the spoon a bit and do a little himself. When I looked over a minute later, there was Keagan with the whole container, happily "feeding" himself. I'm pretty sure he at least 1/3 of it actually ended up in his mouth. Subsequent feedings of yogurt have gone the same way- we are no longer allowed to hold the spoon OR the container. I'm now only giving him yogurt when I'm prepared to change his whole outfit.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

He had a bad cold and then you dropped him on his head! Poor baby, bad week! Ha-ha!! Oh yes, self feeding is so fun, and messy!!! You have to give him spagetti with sauce soon!!! That is fun! Have him eat naked with a tubby ready! Kristin