Thursday, February 21, 2008

"Baby, baby!"

We've had a lot going on the past week or so, and I do have more recent pics to share, but haven't gotten them off my camera yet. I meant to post these a few days ago- this was during a visit with Izzy and Addy Mae. Keagan absolutely adored his littlest cousin who is currently trying to crawl all over the place! It was really cute to see him interact with her. He loved getting down on the floor at her level, giving her back her Binky, and of course, pointing out repeatedly that she is, in fact, a "baby, baby!".
Keagan's vocabulary is exploding and he's talking all the time. His newest cute phrases are "yuck outside" - which came during a nasty rainy day, and "Oh boy!" which apparently I use to describe exciting things while they are happening and he has now picked it up. He also said "big truck" today which was very exciting to hear him using more adjectives.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it hard to believe he's almost 2!! I wish life would slow down a bit!

Lisa, Arnold & Charlotte

Liza said...

I can't believe your parents have all these grandchildren! It will never cease to amaze me that 4 years ago none of these kids existed!