Wednesday, March 25, 2009

24 weeks

I had my 24 week check up yesterday, and I thought I'd take some belly shots to show how big I'm getting! Yikes! But I'm under 10lbs for weight gain, so that's good and my blood pressure is low at 110/62 this visit, which is also good :) Keagan got to turn on the doppler to hear the heartbeat and help measure my belly with the tape measure, so he was excited. He reminded the midwife "baby not come out yet."
You'll notice I'm wearing my glasses a lot lately. My contacts have just not been feeling super comfortable (at least for more than a couple hours) which I think is just pregnancy related. I've also had a bit of a rash/acne breakout on my chin and nose this week (beautiful!) and Tums are my new best friend. Some of the less glamorous parts of pregnancy, but well worth it :) I also signed up for a swim class two days a week starting at the end of April and going till the end of June. I'm really excited for that because the exercise will be so good for me and being in the water will feel great!
16 weeks left to go, but with Keagan being 12 days early, I'm guessing it might be more like 14-15 weeks... ah!

1 comment:

Liza said...

Lamber, you look so much like your mom in that top photo I can't even believe it. With your hair like that, from the neck up you are Kathy all the way. From the neck down however, you are KNOCKED UP! If you were one of those teenage girls who hides their pregnancy and delivers in their bedroom closet you would fail so miserably.