Tuesday, May 19, 2009

32 Weeks and a "Cool Dude"

Today was my 32 week midwife appointment. Things are all pretty normal- good blood pressure, baby measuring well and feels head-down. Keagan was his usual helpful self with the tape measure- although he was slightly perturbed not to get the cow-shaped measuring tape, and instead had to cope with a substitute chicken version. It was amusing to see his little mind work on deciding if he was going to be truly upset but this change, or just go with it. The midwife was talking to him about how special it is to get to be a big brother but Keagan was quick to remind her "I still small kid."
My only real complaint to the midwife was a dull, sporadic pain that I'm having in the front, bottom of my pelvic bone. It makes walking uncomfortable sometimes, and sitting certain ways. She explained this is most likely the tendons and ligaments that are between the gap in the front of the pelvis (the pubic symphysis area). Everything is expanding for the baby and these soft tissues may be having trouble compensating. She advised not sitting with my legs spread- like in "Indian style" on the floor because that puts a lot of pressure on this area. Uhhhh.... you mean, like how I sit and play with my toddler every day? Doah! Well, I'll do what I can. Most likely this will remain a mild concern and resolve itself shortly after the birth, but worst case scenario would involve the need for some physical therapy.

These pictures don't have to do with my appointment, but were cute and from the other day when Keagan borrowed Daddy's glasses at lunchtime to be a "cool dude."

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