Saturday, June 20, 2009

Bubble Bath

Yesterday Keagan and I went to Target to pick up some household essentials, and while in the diaper/baby section, Keagan found a bottle of Curious George Bubble Bath. I was very wary of the product at first, because we have avoided bubble bath so far for a couple reasons. The first being Keagan's sensitive skin and ever since he had that eczema break out when he was an infant, we've stuck to the dermatologist's recommendation of Cetaphil for bathing. The second was a concern for getting bubbles in his eyes and stinging him. Bath time is still a bit dicey some days and I thought all it will take is one bad experience with getting soap in his eyes to push him back into not wanting to take baths. However, I took a closer look at this bottle and noticed it said Hypoallergenic, Tear Free, Dye Free and Mild Scent. Since Keagan was being very amiable during the whole shopping trip (including leaving the toy aisle without a fuss or a new toy), I decided this would be a nice special treat to reward him with. He was psyched. As soon as Erik came home (as he normally does bath time with Daddy), Keagan couldn't wait to show him the bottle. I headed out to a movie with some friends and left the two boys to enjoy their bubble bath. The next morning I got a full report from Keagan about how they made bubble beards and bubble hats. I am happy to report, there seems to be no ill-effects from the new soap, either.

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