Friday, August 07, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Erik's birthday was yesterday and we had Mema and Papa up for a birthday dinner tonight. We had fried chicken and lobster, which are two of Erik's favorites. Explaining the lobster was a little tricky with Keagan. He likes to watch them swim around at the store, so he was confused as to why they "stopped" on the table. I tried to answer his questions matteroffactly without getting too much into things like "killed" and "dead". He seemed satisfied with just the "we cooked them" answer and then asked "then they stopped?" and I said "yes". We'll see...
I made Erik's favorite carrot cake and let Keagan decorate it. He had a great time going all "Pollock" on it. I think it came out great. We also hung up a Happy Birthday sign an blew up some balloons, but Keagan decided the balloons could not be hung up because they were to play with on the floor.
Happy Birthday, Daddy!

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