Thursday, September 10, 2009

Preschool Orientation

Today was Keagan's _first_ day at preschool! Actually, it was orientation day so it was just an hour. But dang, can I just say how much I can get done in an hour with no kids? (Erik was working from home and so Torin was napping in the swing the whole time.) In that hour, I went to the Paper store and got Keagan "Curious George's First day of school" as a congrats on the first day present and a small Sharpie because apparently I now have to write "Strelzoff" on all of his clothes and shoes... sigh... then I went to the new local children's consignment store and got some much needed winter PJs for Keagan. Then I went and got myself a latte at the cafe. I love maynard downtown so much and especially the fact that Keagan's preschool is in Maynard downtown. If only Torin liked either the stroller OR the carrier then I could just hang downtown on some of the days Keagan is at school. Sigh. Maybe he will like one of them at some point. While the weather is gorgeous in Fall I'm just going to make him like one or the other because I want to sit at the cafe with a latte!

This morning though, before school, Keagan had a meltdown about going. This is typical for him- he needs time to process things and usually if you prepare him and give him that time, then when you get to whatever you're making him do, he's fine. Same with the doctor, same with the dentist. So he had his freak out and then by the time we were ready to leave the house he was running out the door. He was a little hesitant at letting me leave him at school, but after me staying a minute and giving him a warning that I was leaving in a minute- which was perfectly timed because the teachers set a bell timer for when circle time was going to happen so I said when the bell went off for circle time I would leave- he was fine. When I got back he was psyched to see me and told me "I not afraid anymore!" How can you not love that? And of course, he had his book present waiting in the car.

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