Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Family Galore!

We hosted another holiday gathering at our house with all the Strelzoffs plus Mema and Papa. I did some hors d'oeuvres and bread pudding and poached pears for dessert, but ordered pizza for dinner. It was fun! We had a fire going to make the living room cozy and a bowl of homemade eggnog for savoring too. It was nice to have both sets of grandparents together to celebrate the holiday. Keagan was happy to show off all his new toys from Santa.

In other exciting news- Torin tried his first rice cereal! He has been watching us eat intensely lately and we thought he might be ready to start some solids. He ate it very excitedly after the first spoonful or two to get the idea. He has both his two front bottom teeth too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cereal?? That boy is ready for steak & potatoes!
