Thursday, January 28, 2010

Check-ups, check-ups, and Our First Vomit!

This week we had Keagan's second dentist appointment on Monday, Torin's 6 month doctor's check-up on Tuesday, and Keagan's very first vomiting illness Wednesday night.

Keagan did very well at the dentist on Monday. We have a very nice hygenist that we both see, and he went in with her by himself, no problem. She tested his ability to spit water out and then came out to tell me she was going to go ahead and do some flouride paste with him, since he was able to do it. Erik had been working on that at home with him and it apparently paid off. The dentist once again reminded me to get a orthodontia fund going... sigh... but that's not surprising. She said "it's not all bad though" and that the spacing in the teeth is good and everything looks healthy... just not straight.

Torin's stats from his check-up: 20lbs, 1oz and 28 1/2 inches long. I forget how big his head measured, but it was big. He up in the 90th percentiles all around. He is loving sitting up on his own, although cannot be trusted not to thrust his whole upper body backwards at any moment still. Sometimes he'll do this while you're holding him and laugh when you catch him. Yeah, kid, that's funny then, and not so funny when you do it on the hard floor, is it? He'll learn. He has also done a fun roll over on the floor, much to his own amazement. Sleeping is still a touchy subject. Naps are difficult and he's gone back to being up every couple hours at night. Sigh. One day Erik and I will get a full nights' sleep again.

And then comes Wednesday. Well, I decided to be adventurous and take the boys to Chuck E Cheese after doing some errands in an area I knew one existed. We had a lot of fun and on the way home, Keagan said his tummy hurt. This is something he says frequently- like if he drinks too fast, if he has to burp, etc, so I wasn't too alarmed. Then, when we got in the house he said "I need a rest" and went in his room. At this point, my alarm bells started ringing. 10 minutes later he was out of his room crying for me to come cuddle with him. Definitely, not a good sign. I go in, get him up on his bed and WHAM! He throws up all over himself and the bed. I pick him up to get him out of his puddle of puke and PLEH! out comes another all over the floor. At this point, Keagan is in hysterics, and I throw Torin in his crib so I can clean everything up and calm Keagan, which of course, sends Torin into a screaming fit. I calm Keagan down, who is yelling "Yucky!! Yucky!!" and shaking from confusion as to what just happened to his little body. I strip his bed, strip him down, and throw open the window to get that awful smell out. While tossing clothes into the sink I grab the phone and call Erik to come home soon (it was 4pm anyway) and he hears the two kids crying in the background and the word "vomit" and does as he's told (he's a good husband like that). I get Keagan in clean PJs and he promptly passes out in his clean sheets and sleeps for 2 1/2 hours.
Poor kid. He woke up thirsty and we tried to let him have some Gatorade and water, but sadly, were not careful enough to make him go slow and he promptly through that up all over his bed again. But that was the end of it. We let him have some sips periodically through the night as he kept waking and asking for something to drink and by the next day, he was drinking and having some nibbles of food. I found out the next day his friend at school had it too, and apparently, it was sweeping through there. I will be so happy when this Winter is over.

The pictures are from the boy playing peekaboo on Keagan's bed. Keagan gets Torin into hysterics when he pulls the blanket up over the two of them and I say Peekaboo! When they pull it down. Don't worry, this is supervised only, I realize a month old being covered with a blanket by his 3 year old brother could be cause for alarm ;)

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