Sunday, January 31, 2010

Grandparents Visits

We were fortunate to have visits from both sets of grandparents today. It was such a cold, Winter day it was perfect to have the oven on and yummy smells coming out of the kitchen, a fire going and family visiting.
Mema and Papa came over in the early afternoon and Grammy and Grampy were here for dinner. Torin was shy with the visitors at first- he is in another attachment phase I think. But once he opened up, he was being very charming and even learned some new tricks! With Mema he started playing the "No no no" game, where he shakes his head side to side and then she'd do it back and he'd smile and do it again! Then, with Grammy, Torin started clapping! He loves doing it and getting a reaction from people. Two great new games! And speaking of games, Keagan was showing off his board game Speedy Delivery (thanks Auntie Boo!) to Grammy and Grampy while they were visiting too. Keagan is really getting into playing games, which is good, if he wants to fit into the Strelzoff side of the family ;)

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