Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Summertime Summertime Sum Sum Summertime

I haven't been blogging too much because we've just been too busy with Summer fun. I am having so much more fun this Summer than last Summer. Not that having Torin wasn't amazing and I will always cherish last Summer, but let's face it, a newborn clinging to you in the heat isn't the most fun ever. With Torin walking now, we are all able to have fun at the playground and beaches. Of course, with Torin walking now, I'm on full alert most of the time we're out- especially around water.

Keagan is in the middle of his third week at Gymnastics and Swimming camp. He is loving it. I am so excited for him and glad that we signed him up. When I picked him up today he said "Mommy, I had a FANTASTIC time at camp!" He is loving the gym stuff- forward rolls, big foam pit, trampolines, all that good stuff- and he is doing very well at swim lesson time, although he was nervous at first. I am glad he is getting some structured learning time in the pool, and not just what Erik and I do with him.

We are enjoying Summer's bounty of fresh fruit and Keagan has discovered he liked cherries- having been taught how to get the seed out (mostly) by himself. Hence the red cherry face picture :) We are trying to get some house projects done, when the heat is not too terrible. We are also enjoying friends' and family's hospitality who have pools to share with us because it's been HOT! Thanks everyone!

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