Friday, August 20, 2010


After a week home with a sick Keagan, we were ready for an adventure today, now that he was fever free for 24 hours. I decided to go big and take the boys to the Boston Aquarium. This was the first time for both of them. We parked at Alewife and took the T to South Station (let's be honest, the T ride was as much fun for Keagan as the aquarium) and then walked from there. I had Torin in the Ergo and Keagan in the umbrella stroller with a small bag of necessities that could fit in the small compartment in the stroller. I was solo, so I had to pack light! It worked out very well though, and I was fortunate to have some help when needed from some nice Bostonians along the way. The worst part of the day was the HALF HOUR WAIT just to get tickets to get into the Aquarium. Doah!!! At first I balked and told Keagan this just wasn't happening, and we walked to Quincy Market for a little while (where they have this odd macaroni art piece). But when Keagan looked up at me and said "I wanted to see the Penguins" in a super cute voice, back we went. Thankfully, the line was slightly shorter and with the help of some cinnamon scone for munching, we made it through!
In reality, it was Torin who couldn't get enough of the penguins, and Keagan who wanted to leave their tank for bigger and better after a couple minutes. We had a great view of the sharks in the big tank, as well as the big turtle and then saw some scuba divers as well. It was alot of fun all around, although my wallet is quite lighter from it.

1 comment:

maureen said...

I love the Aquarium! I would have loved to have gone with you and the boys! Next time:)