Tuesday, January 02, 2007

6 Months

Keagan was officially six months old on Dec 28th and we took him to his six month check-up that day. He weighed in at 19lb, 11oz (not quite the 20lbs we were predicting) and gained almost two inches in height to be at 27 1/4. He still hasn't had a tooth pop through yet, but we think he's getting close. The doctor was happy to see him reaching all his milestones, including now sitting up on his own a bit. We decided it was time to start some solid foods (he's only had breastmilk till now) and just this morning he had his first little bowl of rice cereal. Daddy was on hand to watch and take video. He only managed to get a total amount of about a teaspoon in his mouth- making really funny faces about it- and then after lifting him out of his highchair, promptly spit it all up and more on mommy.... but we at least went through the motions! We'll try again later and I'm certain he'll take to it soon enough.

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