Thursday, August 21, 2008

First Ice Cream Cone

No, no, not first ice cream- but first ice cream cone. Tonight we went to "Cruise Night" at Maynard Village Pizza and after some dinner inside, we went outside to see the fun cars and I got Keagan a vanilla soft serve cone. He caught on to how to eat it pretty quickly- getting the requisite amount all over his face and hands. By the end he wouldn't let me hold it for him at all anymore. Then I showed him the best part- you can EAT the CONE! His response after I took a bite of it was "No eat cone!" and he absolutely refused to do it. He stuck his whole nose into the cone to get as much ice cream out as possible before giving up on it.

In other news: we leave for our week vacation in New Hampshire Saturday morning. The house we rented does not have internet access (shocking!!) so the blog will take a short break as well. See you in a week!

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