Monday, August 04, 2008

"New Walls!"

During Keagan's nap on Saturday, I went into his "big boy room" and put up some wall stickers of trucks, cars and other vehicles. When Keagan woke up from his nap I told him he had a surprise in his other room. He walked in, breathed in deeply and let out a big "Woooooowwww" and followed by "New walls! Mommy come see! Stickers!" and then he proceeded to name every one of them and wouldn't come out of the room for about a half hour. Erik was in there with him more that afternoon than not. Everytime he wanted to leave, he decided he wanted "more stickers" and every time he passed the doorway he would say "come see, new walls!" It was a crowning Mommy moment for me. The absolute wonderment in his eyes; the fact that to him this was pure magic. I now know why my mother spent hours outside of Child World in the snow so that Santa could bring me a Cabbage Patch doll for Christmas. There are a precious few years when I can make magic happen for him, and it's an amazing gift of childhood that I mean to cherish.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who totally loves to see the wonder of being a kid. Honestly, it is the best time of life.

Lisa, Arnold & Charlotte

Anonymous said...

I think the room looks cool. I have on concerned mom comment however, you should cover those outlets with the covers that keep kids out of the outlets. once he startes sleeping in a bed he can easily get out of you don't want him to entertain himself with putting things into the wall sockets. The covers that work best are the ones that still let you plug in lights. the kid's can't get those off ... heck, I can't get them off. The little ones that just pop in are pretty easy for them to remove. I know it is just me being paranoid but that is just me.

Amy G said...

I *love* the pictures... Lana he is you to a "T". Anyways, children's magic is wonderful. And don't worry, I can confirm that it is possible at least to the age of four. :)