Monday, December 29, 2008

"Big Boy Bed" transition

Friday night Keagan and I were playing a game he invented in his "big boy room" (the room with his toddler bed, as opposed to the room with his crib). The game involved one of us "sleeping" in the toddler bed, while the other one "worked" at his new workbench (xmas gift from Mema and Papa). When I told him it was time to get ready for bed, he was reluctant, but did make it into the bathroom for teeth brushing. He promptly ran back into his big boy room to play more. When I said it was time for bed, not to play, he was pouty and I asked if he'd want to read books in his big boy room tonight. He was excited by the idea and we ended up doing the whole bedtime routine in his toddler bed, including putting him to sleep in it. I was sooooo excited! Erik was at his parents' house, so missed the riveting video monitor viewing of the first time Keagan fell asleep in there, but he got the whole scoop from me when he got home.
The next night we got home a bit late from visiting family, and Keagan was passed out in his PJs in the car. We slipped him into his toddler bed when we got home, and he didn't even flinch and slept there all night.
Last night we had Erik's family here for dinner and Keagan got a bit overtired by bedtime. When we went into his big boy room for night time routine, he cried for his crib. We didn't push the issue and let him sleep in his crib.
We shall see what happens tonight! But we seem to be on our way!

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