Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Chirstmas!

We have had a busy couple of days to celebrate Christmas. On Christmas Eve we were in Canton at Mema and Papa's house. We opened some presents, had a fabulous dinner and even a quick visit from Isabelle and Adeline. On Christmas Day we didn't get around to Santa's presents before heading up to Boxford to be with Erik's family. We spent the day there, also opening presents and eating a lovely dinner. Keagan was really spent by the end of Christmas part two and we headed home by 6:15pm and he was asleep in the car 5 minutes later. After a good night's rest, we did finally get around to Santa's presents this morning... although his stocking is still untouched :) Today is a day of rest before more family fun over the weekend. We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!
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