Monday, January 05, 2009

Happy New Year (hey, I'm only 5 days late)

We had a very fun New Years Eve this year with our friends Mark and Amy coming over with their kids Loula and Will. We ordered Chinese food for dinner (I mean, that's what you do when you stay in for NYE right?), the kids made animal visor crafts (thanks Becky!) and we all had a fun evening. We decided to do a sleepover so that the parents could actually have some adult fun ringing in the New Year, and amazingly, we had all three children nestled in their beds by 8:30pm! It was fantastic. The next morning the kids had more playtime and I made brunch for everyone, plus our friends Sarah and Pete. It was a wonderful way to welcome in 2009!

Unfortunately, on Saturday morning, I woke up with the dreaded Norovirus (stomach flu). Sadly, this came on the day we were supposed to be headed down to Danbury, CT for the Gustavson family Christmas party. We had reservations for Willow at a kennel and a hotel room for the night, but all for not. I have never missed the Gustavson gathering at Christmas, and I was really sad about it, but what can you do? At least I didn't get sick down in CT, after hugging and kissing all my relatives. That would have been worse. As this stomach bug gets around quickly and is soooo nasty, I looked up the contagious information for it, and if you get it, you can actually be contagious for up to THREE DAYS following your symptoms, so please, stay home if you get it! Plus immunity only lasts about 3 months, and there are various strains out there, so just because you had it, doesn't mean you can't get it again! Lysol, people, Lysol.

Wishing you all a healthy and happy New Year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ouch! Pregnant-morning sickness AND the flu??? Sure hope you are back on your feet now. Boy did you jog a memory for me! Plastic cloth spread on the bathroom floor, laying close to the 'loo..and feeding Lisa Cream of Wheat with chocolate ice cream in it (the only way she'd eat it) - upchucking (me) and spoon feeding (her). When Buddy came home, he wanted to know if I had a nice day! Happily and luckily = these things do pass... Ah.. good times! Stay well..Happy and healthy 2009. Love XO- Peg