Monday, January 19, 2009

Snow removal

This morning Erik went out to clear the driveway and my car so that Keagan and I could go to playgroup. It was a pretty large task considering the plow hill at the end of our driveway was almost up to his waist. I think we got about 8 inches in this storm- by no means a large storm for New England, but with all the snow that was still around with the cold weather lately, it seemed to pile up fast. A few minutes into attacking the big pile at the end of the driveway our nice next door neighbor came over with her snow blower and helped Erik do the whole driveway. I couldn't believe what a nice thing that was do to for us- Erik would have been out there till noon if she hadn't. She said she was repaying us for letting her cut down a bush between our properties, which was technically our bush, but was blocking her view of the road when she backed out of her driveway. We were happy to have her remove this bush since it was overgrown and not attractive, so I don't think she owed us anything on that account. I think I'll take over some dinner tonight as a Thank You. I love this neighborhood.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is SO nice! We don't even know our neighbors (and I mean the people who live in the same building as us...)