Monday, February 16, 2009

Home from vacation

Our week in North Conway is over. We are very relaxed from our time away, although it was good to be home for bedtime (especially the part about not sharing a room with Keagan). The house we rented was a bit quirky. It was an old house, which had a lot of charm, but some oddities we could have done without- including about four of five doorknobs that came off in our hands as we opened the doors. The fireplace in the living room smoked even when we did our best efforts to calm it, and the kitchen was sadly equipped with broken knives and only a minimum amount of cookware. The bedrooms were nice, overall though, including very comfy memory foam top mattresses.
We had good weather for the week, but were hoping for maybe one day of snowing to set the mood, oh well. Even with the cold temperatures the outdoor hot tub did get some good use, although sadly, not for my pregnant self. Most of the time was spent cooking and playing games with our friends. The girls also did a spa day on Friday, and I had a fabulous hour and a half pedicure experience and have very happy feet. Erik, Keagan and I also went to the train museum for a chance to play with the models. Sadly, their outdoor ride-on train isn't running in the winter, but since it was so cold out, we didn't mind too much. On a warm day, we all went for a sleigh ride pulled by one-ton draft horses which were gorgeous. Keagan thought it was fun, but when we were done and it was petting time for the horses, he did not want to be too close. Keagan had a ton of fun playing with Loula and baby Will throughout the week- including learning the fine arts of My Little Pony play. Valentine crafts were a big theme for the week, but Keagan was more interested in making towers with his foam shapes, than valentine cards. Luckily, Loula was on the job and made cards for everyone.

Click on pictures for larger view.
Also- I added some entries before vacation that I didn't get a chance to do before we left, so go back a bit and take a look.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like a very relaxed, laid back vacation! No big plans, just hanging out with friends.....the quirky house just adds to the good memories.
