Wednesday, February 18, 2009

It's A....

GIRL! At least according to the ultrasound tech ;) Although she said twice during that scan that she thought it looked like a girl, so hopefully she knows what she's talking about. Erik and Keagan were in the room with me. Keagan was very interested in what was going on with the "jelly" on Mommy's tummy and what we were looking at. We did explain to him that there is a baby in Mommy's tummy, but I'm not sure how much of the scenario he actually understands at this point. The exam lasted a bit over an hour- this baby, much like her big brother, did not sit still for the tech's measurements. I have a midwife appointment next week to discuss "the results" in case there was anything odd found, but I have no reason to suspect anything. We did learn that she is breech at the moment with her head up to the right and her feet down to the left. I will talk to my midwife about ways to encourage her to flip over- there is still plenty of time- but I remember Keagan was already nicely positioned at this point, so I'm hoping she follows suit soon.
We didn't get as good of a Face shot as with Keagan- but the face always looks freaky since the eyes don't bounce back on ultrasound, so it's very creepy skull-like anyway. We did get two cute profile shots with her hand up in the back. I love the leg picture- with her little left leg in front and then the right foot in the back. Click on the pictures to make them bigger.


Anonymous said...

Yay girls!!!! Hooray!!!! Congrats :)

Anonymous said...

A girl is just a perfect addition! From what I hear, boys are much more agreeable, but having a girl is such a lifetime bond. She'll take care of you when your old! Congratulations! I'll start saving clothes!

Lisa, Arnold & Charlotte

Anonymous said...

Hello Strelzoff Family...and such happy news! Boy babies were usually a rarity in our family..girls outnumbered them 10 to 1.. great grandmom Somers died happily exactly 8 months to the day Mark was born..she closed her eyes to the world on Sept. 14, 1954 after holding her grandson..can you imagine how thrilled she'd be with all our little boys? Regardless of what the gender is, we only want healthy babies and fast - easy - safe deliveries for the Mom. Start thinking "Pink" - and Keagan will be a great big brother to either a baby sister or brother. Keep well... Love, Peg

Kristin said...

Congrats!!!!! I had a few ultrasounds and each time the tech would say "I think it is a girl" I bet she really is a girl in there. They are pretty good at it!! Plus you where sick alot at the beginning, that is usually girl! Emma will be so excited! Love, Kristin