Monday, February 02, 2009


With Keagan not feeling well the past week, we did a lot of snuggling. Although I enjoyed the closeness, I certainly wish it was under better circumstances. Thankfully, he is feeling much better now, with just a bit of a lingering cough. It is great to see him running around instead of wallowing on the couch.
You will notice he has his Binky in these pictures. He does still use it, but it is confined to his bedroom and he is doing very well with that rule. In fact, if he accidentally comes out of the room with it in his mouth he will tell me "Uh-oh, Binky outside! Have to put it back" and run back into his room with it.


Kristin said...

Poor bubba! I hope he is feeling better! Winter sucks for colds and other viruses! Emma has a yucky cough right now and a runny nose, she sounds so stuffy! But 6 more weeks of this winter stuff I guess! (per Phil!)

Anonymous said...

This winter has been the pits! I've seen 70 of them come and go and I can't remember resenting every snowflake as much as this year. We've had 15 storms since December...way toooo much! Hopefully Keagan is mending - kids do bounce back - but moms take longer - especially when they're growing another! I'm sure you don't envy that Suleman woman - with the 7 kids and 8 octuplets..who pays attention to them when one of them gets sick? Imagine 14 ill children at one time?
No husband, no father, no job and now her father is going back to Iraq to be a translator - and her mother claims she's not staying around to care for all these kids..I think I see a Learning Channel series coming up for her... although I personally think she should be brought to court..
Stay warm - and keep healthy - and be thankful you're only growing one little person - not eight! Love, Peg