Thursday, March 19, 2009

Playgrounds and a Haircut!

The whole family has been dealing with a nasty cold for over a week, so we haven't been up to much other than using massive amounts of tissues, but we're back on track now!

Yesterday was 65 degrees here (although a bit blustery) and Keagan and I had a two-playground-day. In the morning we went to the first playground and I packed a picnic lunch for us to enjoy after running around for a while. There were lots of kids there and everyone seemed to be in a good mood with some fresh air and warm weather to enjoy. It was amazing to me how much more Keagan could do on his own since the Fall. He is still weary of curly and covered/tube slides, but is now doing the bridges that wobble/shake all by himself (something that made him very nervous previously). It is great to see him with more dexterity and confidence on the playground. He is still not the kind of kid who throws himself into things and sacrifices his body for play, but do I really mind?
With a healthy romp on the playground, we were then able to get some grocery shopping done and get home in time for a good nap. After he woke up it was on to playground #2 for some pre-dinner fun. By the time we got home (so late that Erik beat us there from work), Keagan was pretty well exercised for the day and ate a better dinner than he has since he came down with his cold last week.

This morning after "school," we took a trip to a kids specialty hair salon. Keagan was finally realizing that hair in his eyes was annoying and was willing to contemplate a haircut. (Although he does like my long hair, and at one point said he wanted his hair like mine.) I had heard this place was good, albeit a few more dollars than the barbershop downtown. The atmosphere and service turned out to be well worth the extra money. They had a fun play area for Keagan to explore before and after his cut, an airplane barber chair to sit in for the haircut, and a TV with Thomas the Train on it for him to watch while in the chair. He did get a little worried during a couple parts of the cut (mostly spraying his hair with the water bottle and the electric clippers to finish the back) but I think the hairdresser was able to get a much cleaner job done than at the barber's since he wasn't screaming the whole time. I haven't gotten a picture of the new 'do yet because after a celebratory lunch out, Keagan is now napping. But as soon as I do, I will post!

UPDATE: Got some pics of his new haircut- put in a self-portrait from the other day for comparison. I think his longer hair is cute, but hate to see it bothering him in his eyes- if only boys could wear barrettes :) Also had one picture from our picnic :)


Sarah G said...

I think I want to go to that place for my next hair cut!!!

Hope you guys are tissue free soon. :)

Anonymous said...

Actually, he would look cool with long hair in a ponytail!


Alannah said...

I know- I think so too! But it's getting past that awkward stage of hair in the eyes that is tough...