Friday, April 24, 2009

Trip to Vermont

Keagan, Mema and Papa and I packed ourselves into the CRV and went to Vermont for two nights to visit Keagan's Great-Grandparents. Erik, sadly, had to stay at home because with the time he is saving for when the baby comes, he can't afford additional days off. Luckily, Willow stayed home with him to keep him company (although he still commented on how empty the house was when he came home from work both days).
Our trip went very well. Keagan had some of the normal transitioning troubles, but they were brief and he was generally in a good mood for both the travel and the stay with "Grandpapa." In fact, he and my grandfather got along swimmingly and it was heartwarming to see them together. Sooooo cute! Joyce made us a fabulous boiled ham dinner on Wednesday, complete with an ice cream cake to celebrate my birthday. Keagan was so excited to sing Happy Birthday and help me blow out the candles, but when he noticed it was 1) not cake, but ice cream and 2) chocolate ice cream for half of it, he quickly decided he didn't really want any. Oh well, more for my pregnant self ;)
He slept well in his travel bed, but woke up around 6:00am both days, a bit early for him, and VERY early for me without Erik's assistance, but it wasn't like I was alone and his charm worked on everyone, even at 6:00am.
We also indulged in a big breakfast on Thursday and a large seafood dinner that evening. Joyce isn't a big seafood fan, but my grandfather loves nearly everything that comes out of the water. Since Joyce needed to be at a fundraiser that evening, Papa decided we would treat Grandpa to a seafood fest including raw clams (only for the two guys), huge shrimp and Rainbow trout. We also got fresh corn (from Florida, but definitely shipped quickly!) and saw Vidalia onions which are one of Grandpa's favorites so we made a salad with those too. It was nearly a Summertime dinner all around, except that it was 45 degrees, windy and rainy outside :( For dessert, Joyce had left us a fantastic apple pie she made.
It was sad to say goodbye this morning, but I was so happy the trip went so well. When we arrived home Erik surprised me by working from home so he'd be there when we got there and having a dozen pink and yellow roses on the kitchen table. What a guy!

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