Tuesday, April 21, 2009

28 Week Midwife Appt

This morning was my 28 week midwife appointment (happy third trimester!), plus the one-hour glucose tolerance test. This is when you drink a super sweet soda with 50 grams of glucose in it and wait an hour and they draw your blood to see if you are showing any signs of gestational diabetes. I was fine with Keagan's pregnancy, so I'm not anticipating a problem, but you never know! Erik came with us for this appointment, since there was some bouncing between the lab and birth center for me and the hour wait. He and Keagan just stayed at the birth center the whole time playing with the toys they have there. Keagan wanted to come into the check-up with me though, because he likes to help measure my belly and turn on the doppler for hearing the baby's heart beat. It was particularly fun this time because the midwife I saw was the one who delivered Keagan, so she was psyched to see him (and couldn't believe that was almost 3 years ago). Everything looks good for me and the baby. The midwife was pretty sure she felt her head down, so we're hoping she stays that way.

On the way back to Erik's office (which is luckily right on the way to the birth center so we just swing by and get him) Keagan decided he didn't want Daddy to go back to work. He said "I'll miss you! Daddy come home with us. No go back to work." Poor Erik had his heart strings yanked on. It was so adorable.

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