Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

It was a gorgeous day today, albeit a bit blustery! Luckily, the wind kept the bugs away- we are in the midst of a serious black fly issue in Maynard and the recent wet weather has prompted the mosquitoes.
Erik took Keagan out this morning (Keagan still in his pajamas) to go to a cafe downtown and bring me back breakfast. I was able to take a nice long shower :) Then we had a leisurely day at home that included some yard work. Keagan was adorable helping Erik with some dead patches in the lawn. He _loved_ plunging his his hand into the seed bag and throwing the new grass seed down. We had to keep reigning him in not to put more seed down than necessary. Then we got out the watering can to give the new seed a drink.
In the evening we decided to go out for dinner, but luckily, with a toddler you get there at like 5:30 and don't have to wait a half hour for a table, because of the Mother's Day crowds.
It was a very relaxing family day :) Hope all the mother's out there had self-indulgent days too :)

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