Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Purple Commuter Train!

A few days ago Keagan and I were driving to get some groceries when we were the first car stopped by a train crossing and had front row seats to a big commuter rail going by. Since then, Keagan has been talking A LOT about the "purple commuter train." So, I decided to take him in on his first commuter rail ride.
We went to the West Concord station because I knew they had a little cafe there where we could wait and get a little snack before our trip. I wanted to head over a bit early because I am not familiar with the parking situation there and didn't want to miss the 12:00 train, because at that time of day there wouldn't be another one for an hour or so. Luckily, we ended up with a primo spot right in front of the station. I took Keagan into the cafe since we had plenty of time before the train's arrival, but he wanted NOTHING to do with the cafe. All he wanted was to wait outside to watch the train come. I had to explain to him that we were early and the train was going to take a while so we had plenty of time to get something in the cafe. He wanted none of it, so I quickly ordered him a muffin and something to drink and then we went outside and sat on a bench. And waited. Too distracted by the anticipation, he would not touch the muffin, but kept asking where the train was.
FINALLY, the train approaches and Keagan excitedly boards. Once on the train and settled in, he happily munches his muffin and makes friends with other passengers around us, announcing that he's going to Boston and it's a big train and basically any other bits of information he notices along the way (like what's outside the windows).
It's about a 40 minute ride in to town, and by the end, he was pretty happy to get off, but decided we needed to go back to "Hubie" and tell him all about it. Let me explain- our CRV is named Hubert, or Hubie, and Keagan has grown very attached the car and needs to "check in" with him sometimes- and Heaven FORBID Erik need to take the car in for a tune up or something and we need to be in the other car for the day. I explain to Keagan that Hubie is back at the station and will be there when we return. Keagan wants to get right back on a train and head home. Sigh. Seriously? First off, I have to use the bathroom, so I get him into the station and find that. Then I check the schedule, and in fact, there is another train headed back in about 15 minutes. I talk to Keagan about how we are in Boston now and can go do some fun things and walk around a bit (I'm carrying his umbrella stroller on my back!) instead of heading right home. But no, he DOES NOT want to leave the station. He wants to get back on a train. Now, he's not tantruming or anything, mind you, he's just being very verbal and certain about his wishes.
Since it's now 1:00, I am hungry, so we grab some food at the station and wait until the sign tells us which track to head back on.
All in all, it was a 2 hourish adventure for a train ride in and out of Boston. $4.00 for parking and $12 for my round trip ticket. Oy. But Keagan hasn't stopped talking about it since and keeps asking when we'll get to go on the Purple Commuter Train again.


Leyre said...

I think that at some point this summer if Gabe comes to visit we should get him and Keagan together for a playdate - Gabe is the same way about trains, and I believe twice now my mom has taken him into Boston on the commuter rail just to meet my dad as he left work and get right back on the train to come home! What is it with trains? I guess they *are* kind of huge and cool for a little kid, but still man, that's some endless fascination :)

Sarah G said...

Next time you should tell him that you guys are taking the purple commuter rail to visit Sarah for lunch! The Greenway is only about two blocks from North Station so we could even picnic.

Amy G said...

AWESOME. I was laughing my head off.