Saturday, June 06, 2009

34 weeks and Baking Banana Muffins

I had my 34 week midwife appointment yesterday. All is well. Nothing really of note to report.
I took a picture of myself since I had a cute dress on for a dinner out with Erik. Mema and Papa came over to babysit so we could enjoy a fancy dinner out at Coach Grill in Wayland (mostly courtesy of a gift certificate from Liza and Joe- THANK YOU!). We had a fantastic time, ordered whatever we wanted and stayed for two hours. Dining out is such a different experience without a toddler ;)
This morning, Keagan and I made some banana muffins- one of his favorites. It's cute because he'll get up on his step stool now and say "we need flour and sugar and nanas!" I have to say I am quite proud of his interest in cooking and being in the kitchen. He can almost make his own peanut butter and jelly sandwich now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you for raising a man whose comfortable in the kitchen! We need more of those! You look GREAT!!!!!
