Saturday, June 20, 2009

36 weeks and Date Night

Yesterday I had my 36 week midwife appointment. The midwife found my blood pressure was elevated at 138/85. This happened with Keagan's pregnancy at 36 weeks as well. So once again, they want me back in on Tuesday next week, instead of waiting a full week for the next appointment. I'm not too worried about it. I need to just make sure I got lots of fluids, and they want me to take some time during the day to relax and lay on my left side (the optimal position for circulation). Last time my blood pressure went back down in subsequent visits, and Keagan was born only a couple weeks later. So I'm anticipating pretty much the same thing this time around. It certainly has been a jolt of "woah, this is happening soon!" though.
The other interesting thing at this appointment was that Keagan didn't want to come into the exam room with me. He had brought a vacuum toy with him from the waiting room and the midwife said "ok, you don't have to come it, you can keep vacuuming" and we just left the door open. Keagan went back down the hall to the waiting area and played some more. Then when I came out, he was sitting in a chair and said to me "I wait patiently for you, Mommy." And just to clarify- this is a small place and the receptionist is right across from where he was and we were the only ones there. So it's not like he was walking around a hospital or large doctor's office by himself! It's very much a homey kind of place, otherwise I never would have allowed him the option of not coming in the room with me. I was just so surprised as so far he's been very interested in helping with the measuring of my belly and such. He did, however, want to come to the bathroom with me and get on the scale :) He is almost 35 pounds now!
After a slightly concerning trip to the midwife, it was fantastic to have a date night with Erik to look forward to. My playgroup mom friends bought us a gift certificate to a local restaurant and one of them came over to watch Keagan (after bedtime, so it was easy for all!) so we could enjoy a fabulous romantic dinner. We were jokingly referring to it as the "Last Supper."


Anonymous said...

Good picture....frame that one! You seem to have "popped" out since the last photo! She's getting ready!! I'm going to guess close to an 8 pounder!

Lisa :)

Kristin said...

You and pregnancy agree with eachother!

Just lay on your side, sip some cold ice water, you bp should be fine, since you did ok last time!

Great that Keagan could sit and wait for you....Maybe he realizes his quiet alone time is coming to an end too!!! :)

Geeze, he will be 3 next week!!!!!

Amy G said...

what a well-behaved little man! Go Keagan!