Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sun and Indulgent Fun

So, we are still sans labor over here. Official due date is Tuesday. I had a midwife appointment on Friday and everything is fine with me and baby. I'll go back again this coming Friday (but hopefully beforehand in LABOR!).
We decided to take advantage of these last few days of being a threesome and the fact that the weather is finally giving us cause to celebrate. I just had few requests for a fun family weekend: 1) We didn't go any further away from the birth center than Maynard already is (being in the car is uncomfortable for me right now) 2) we soaked up some sun and 3) we ate pretty much whatever we wanted.

Saturday we went to Salem Willows Park in Salem (15 minutes from the birth center). We took Keagan there once last year and had a great time. This time he was even more into the kiddie rides and the beach. At first Erik thought he'd just stay in his shorts because he'd only need to wade in with Keagan, but Keagan wanted to run right in and Erik grabbed his suit from the car. We also did a lot of walking around the park (with ice cream) in the hopes to maybe help with a labor induction, but no dice there. We finished the evening with fried food and lemonade... my favs. The time got a bit away from us and Keagan passed out in the car on the way home, leading to a tearful moment when transferring him to bed, but we got the job done and he slept til 8:30am this morning!

Today we stayed more local (again, one car trip for the weekend was enough for me, even though it was in the "right" direction). After a leisurely morning with some video games for the boys, we suited up for another beach run. This time to the local lake in Hudson. The water was fantastic and we packed some snacks in the cooler and spent the afternoon. Keagan was in and out of the water with Erik a couple times- taking breaks when he teeth started chattering (I went in once, but then lounged on the beach). Keagan ran up and down the beach to get water in his bucket about 50 times during the day for both sand castle making, "volcano" adventures, and finally just plain making mud to splash in. During our snack time, Keagan and I did "Cheers" with fish crackers, which was hilarious. I'm not sure where he learned that you say Cheers! and clink glasses, but he started doing that this week, and then decided we should do it with our snack too.
After the beach, we went to an outdoor dinner place up the street and had burgers, fries and ice cream (I told you we ate whatever we wanted this weekend). Erik and I actually shared a hot fudge sundae, which I haven't gotten in I can't even remember how long and it was fantastic- they have marshmellow topping as well as the hot fudge and whipped cream- my favorite!!
So now I think I'll go put my feet up and drink some water and bask in the glory of this fantastic weekend. (And hope for labor)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW!! Not due till the 14th!! Why did I think it was the end of June? Hopefully this will be the week. Do everything your supposed to do to induce matter how uncomfortable! Personally I am still an advocate for a scheduled c-section. 15 minutes in and trauma...very relaxing and no waiting. Good luck and keep us posted

Lisa, Arnold & Charlotte