Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Auntie Boo visits

This weekend Erik's sister Becky (aka Auntie Boo) came to visit and meet Torin. She arrived late Friday night, but Saturday morning was eagerly welcomed by Keagan, and used the excuse to get fresh pastry at the Farmer's Market :) Boo brought up Keagan's birthday present with her- which was a finger painting set that he immediately had to dive into- nearly literally, as evident in the photos of him painting up his arm.

After breakfast (and washing Keagan) we attempted a trip to Centennial Beach in Hudson. Erik and I debated the weather radar for a while before we packed everyone up to go, but thought the showers we saw looked brief and we decided to just bring the big beach umbrella to huddle under if need be. Well, when we got to the beach, the life guards said they heard thunder and we couldn't swim for 30 minutes after hearing any thunder. We decided we would stay and break out our picnic lunch first and see if we could swim in a half hour. Well, as soon as we sat down the skies OPENED UP. Erik was actually walking back to the car (which was parked about a 5 minute walk away on the street because we don't have a pass for the parking lot right by the beach) to get a beach blanket that we had forgotten when this happened. Becky and I were left to grab onto the beach umbrella for dear life (winds kicked up with the rain) while keeping Keagan and Torin dry and happy. Keagan just happily munched on a PB&J sandwich while chatting with us all about the rain and asking why we couldn't swim. Torin was thankfully content to be nursed and on my lap with a blanket over him. Becky and I sacrificed our backs/legs and whatever couldn't fit under the umbrella to keep the kids dry. Erik eventually came back with the car (although he initially didn't bring it with him thinking this would pass quickly) and parked in the lot because EVERYONE had fled by then so no one was going to stop him from parking. We made a mad dash to the car- by this time everything other than ourselves was soaked (the stroller, Torin's car seat being in it, our bags, etc) and Keagan suffered a good soaking on the way to the car as well as getting bonked in the head by the door as I opened it too quickly, trying to get him inside. It was NOT the beach trip we had envisioned, and of course, by the time we were all back in the car, the sun came out. Sigh. But really, it kept raining off and on the rest of the afternoon, so it just wasn't meant to be. The saving grace was playing in puddles with Keagan when we got home and we all felt much cooler in the rain at least, so the muggy weather was tamed. We consoled ourselves with pizza for dinner :)

Sunday morning I made blueberry pancakes and we had a leisurely start to the day. Then Erik took Keagan and Becky to Alewife station for a T ride into South Station where Becky got a bus home. Keagan was thrilled to take the subway and see all the trains going in and out of South Station. He wanted to get on the bus too, but we weren't quite ready to ship him off to NYC ;)

Keagan also showed Becky is crazy dance moves :)

And here's some video of Torin- although just in the last few days since I took this, he has really started smiling alot and cooing, so he's cuter now ;)

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