Monday, August 31, 2009

More smiles and brother interaction

Keagan continues to be a big fan of Torin. Every morning he begs "I want to see the baby, I want to see the baby" which means he wants Torin put down on a couch or his bed where he can lay down next to him. I got some video of Keagan dancing to entertain Torin, which is super cute and Torin seems to enjoy it as long as Keagan keeps a safe distance- Torin has already learned Big Brother can get a little over zealous in his movements. Our biggest problem is still keeping Keagan calm around the baby and not accidentally injuring Torin. So far all Torin has suffered is a minor knee to the head.
Torin is learning lots of sounds now, other than crying. It is adorable, but so far I haven't gotten too many on camera. In general, Torin is a pretty content baby, provided I am within arms length. He has been refusing any method of comfort other than Mommy including the binky and at last attempt, the bottle. I'm sure he'll take the bottle soon- he did take it once, but then refused it for my last doctor's appointment, leading to a very distraught Daddy while I was gone. Sigh. Guess I'm sticking close to home for a while longer.

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