Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Torin's first illness :(

Last Thursday evening we noticed Torin feeling warm and he had a fever of 101.8 so Erik went out to CVS to get some baby Tylenol to help him feel better. The Tylenol didn't seem to do much over night so I called the doctor first thing and we went in later that morning. The only evidence of an issue was a red ear, so going on the assumption of an ear infection we started him on a treatment of Amoxicilan. By Monday morning he was still feverish, and since that antibiotic should have worked over the weekend, we called the doctor again and they wanted to have a urine sample to check for a urinary tract infection. Swell. I took the boys to the office and we came home with an infant urine bag to collect some pee in, strapped it onto Torin and waited. The little bugger took 3 hours to pee! But luckily it was in time to run it back to the doctor's office (with Erik's help, who came home early from work to assist me with these shenanigans). The office did a quick test on the sample and called back saying there was an elevated white blood cell count which indicated it was a UTI and they would send it to their lab in the morning to confirm this and have it tested for antibiotic resistance to know what to give him (since the amox didn't seem to be cutting it). Unfortunately, this took a couple days and by Wednesday, his fever was gone without further treatment, but we did get confirmation on the UTI and since we have his one-month appointment this morning, we will talk then about another type of antibiotic to make sure it is cleared. He is supposed to get some vaccines this morning, but with this whole infection situation, I am holding off on those till he is healthy. His little system has been through enough this week I think!

In Keagan news- we signed him up for preschool this week :) He will be going Tues/Thurs mornings from 9-11:30 at the Community school in downtown Maynard. We were debating starting preschool for him just because we weren't sure how well he was going to handle the transition to "big brother" and didn't want him overwhelmed with transitions. He has been doing really well with the baby though, and really seems to need some more to do during the week and I think some more social interactions with other kids. He loved the school when we took a tour, so I'm hoping that feeling lasts.

These are some pictures of snuggling with sick Torin, and fun bath time with Keagan :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Adorable bathtub pics! He is one of the cutest boys ever! Poor Torin, the first sickness is scary when he's so little. I guess it will make his immune system stronger, so they say. Keagan will love pre-school! Those hours are perfect for his age. Charlotte started at three as well, and went 3 days a week from 9-12. She never complained and did look forward to it. She also got sick quite a bit, which is bound to happen. Stick some antibac hand wipes in his snack bag. I know the school usually has the kids wash their hands, but training him to do a little extra wipe will make you feel better!
