Thursday, September 17, 2009

First week of Preschool...

It was supposed to be Keagan's first week of preschool but he has been home with a cold :( It started Sunday with a runny nose and then Monday he was wanting to run and play as normal and we thought it was not going to be much of anything. Tuesday morning he had a 101 fever and was having a lot of trouble breathing (as with his bad colds last year, sigh). We whipped out the nebulizer and gave him some albuterol and called the doctor first thing in the morning and they saw us right away. They prescribed some pulmicort for the nebulizer to help with the inflamation (same stuff he had in the ER for Croup but a different dose) and to continue the albuterol every four hours as needed. He was really struggling the rest of the day Tuesday and couldn't do much playing at all before collapsing on the couch from exhaustion. Our new phrases are "It's hard to be sick" and "Being sick is no fun." Luckily, the medications work well and by Wednesday he was running around in the yard. Nevertheless, we kept him home again today because he's still coughing and a bit sniffly and I don't wish this on any other family- kids are dirty and he's just learning to cover his mouth for coughs and sneezes, it would just take once near another kid at school. I caught it Tuesday afternoon, Torin by Tuesday night and Erik is home sick from work today- so clearly, it can get around. Luckily, Torin seems to be handling it fine with just having his nose sucked out with the aspirator on occasion- no fever for him.
Aside from all the sickness, Keagan has been asking to hold Torin this week. Which at first I didn't let him, trying in vain to keep Torin from the cold, but once they both had it, what the heck! I just thought it was funny that I mentioned him never asking to hold the baby, and now he wants to all the time. I think he got the idea from Isabelle's last visit. This morning he was holding him and said "I love my baby"... bestill Mommy's heart!


Sarah G said...

I agree, being sick IS hard!

Love the 2nd and 4th photos - those are some cute boys that you make!

Alannah said...

Had to add a couple more pics from this afternoon.