Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Torin's Two-Month and Keagan's First Day

We had a busy morning! Keagan is finally well enough to start preschool and had his first day today. I had scheduled Torin's two-month check up for the time he'd be at school so I could have an easier time at the doctor's office but didn't leave quite enough time to get Keagan settled at school and make it to the appointment. We decided the easiest thing was to have Erik follow us to school (we don't have car seats in his car) and have him take Keagan to class while I took off with Torin. It worked out well and Erik said Keagan started playing with friends and said "Bye Daddy" very easily. If I had known he'd be so easy, I probably could have done it myself, but since this was his first real day, we weren't sure. When I picked Keagan up he seemed totally happy. First he said he wanted to go home, then didn't want to leave the playground area. The teacher told me at snack time he held up his apple juice and said "Cheers" to everyone.
Torin is now 14 pounds and 25 inches long! He was smiling at all the nurses, who each came to visit at some point while we were there - they all love the babies. I also heard some funny stories about Keagan's last trip there for his cold (Erik took him, not me) and they were all asking how he was feeling. I love having a small family practice where everyone knows my whole family and cares about them. It is a great set-up they have and I feel really well treated there. Torin needed two shots today and so two nurses came in to "double team" him and inject both at the same time in each leg to get it done as fast as possible. He cried for about 4 seconds and then settled with some nursing. One of the office staff said "did he even cry?" as we were leaving. He was smiling at her at the time. Such a charmer! He's now taking a well deserved long nap.

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