Thursday, October 29, 2009

Maynard Halloween

Every year on the Thursday before Halloween, Maynard does Downtown Trick-or-Treat (I've posted about it in years past). This year the Maynard Family Association had a party in the Knights of Columbus Hall downtown for kids under six. I had volunteered to help at the door but did not plan on how hard that would be with the two kids in tow and had to call in Erik for reinforcement. He was working from home, so it was doable for him to come. I didn't think Keagan was going to want to come because I told him he had to wear a costume to come with me. He is really not sure he likes this costume thing. He decided (and has been telling everyone) he wanted to be a ghost, so I cut a white sheet and off we went. I was psyched because it was free, easy, and I could make Torin match :) Once inside though, Keagan was having none of it. He was freaked out by the MFA Tiger mascot (a Dad dressed in a Tiger suit) to start off with and he was not about to put the sheet on. Daddy helped get through the rest of the party, but it was in general just a little too overwhelming for him- he's just got that kind of temperament. At least Torin is too young to protest his costume and he slept most of the party :)
We'll see what happens Saturday- if he wants to wear a costume (and seriously, if all he does is put on his construction worker hat and call himself a builder, I'll take it) then we'll go Trick-Or-Treating this year. I refuse to knock on doors without an attempt at dressing up- it's my pet peeve.


Sarah G said...

oh man! I saw a train engineer hat a while back and thought of Keagan - I should have grabbed it for him and he could have been a train engineer/conductor! It was adult sized, but I'm sure we could have figured something out. If I remember where I saw it I'll pick it up for future costume needs. ;)

Sarah G said...

Also, I love ghost Torin, but the best part is that it's a ghost strapped on the chest of a witch. :)