Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween- Keagan Style

What a night! Much to discuss. First off, it's about 70 degrees and really windy. A very fun night for Halloween. I should have realized when the forecast called for warm weather to stock up on the treats...

To begin the night, Keagan did not want to go Trick or Treating and did not want to wear a costume- in fact he was in PJs. However, it was so warm we thought it would be fun to go outside to hand out treats, which he was getting into. Erik put on a bit of a devil costume, and Keagan put on his Winter Boots. I decided since his PJs had trucks and evergreen trees and snow on them, he was Ralphie from a Christmas Story going out on Christmas morning in his Boots and PJs - except no Red Rider. He and Erik had fun outside while I was stuck inside trying to get Torin to go to sleep.

I bought 60 bags of animal crackers to give away, and they were gone by 7:05. Maynard trick or treat is from 5:30-8:00pm. I should have just sent Erik to the store at that moment to get more, but I ran to the pantry and got 6 boxes of raisins, 15 cereal bars and one individual size box of Honey Nut Cheerios and we went with that. Actually, those things were a big hit with the older kids, go figure.

At 7:15pm, Erik was trying his hand at getting Torin to go to sleep while I was getting Keagan ready for bed when he said "Mommy, I want to go Trick or Treating!" Oh boy. How could I resist? He said he wanted his ghost costume (I cut holes in a sheet a couple days ago). So I got Erik out of the baby's room and swapped places, telling him to just put the bowl with the cereal bars out on the step. I rocked the baby and off they went.

When I emerged they were gone, but the ghost costume was on the floor... sigh... I couldn't believe I was complaining about kids who would show up wanting candy with no costume and now it was MY kid doing it... I had to take comfort in the Ralphie idea. I went outside to watch for them with my bowl of cereal bars and saw my neighbors out on their porch, so I walked over and chatted with them for a few minutes and then saw Keagan and Erik returning, triumphant.

It was 7:45 and no one had come while I was chatting with the neighbors so I thought we were set without turning kids away empty handed, until I saw a MOB of about 15 kids walking up my driveway... I quickly counted my bowl...4,5, 6, 7... 7 cereal bars... Ah! So I handed them out and apologized to those in the back. Who knew we'd get over 80 kids! My heart sank at the kids who closed their bags and turned away from me. Sorry guys. I promise to do better next year.

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