Sunday, November 01, 2009

Halloween Candy Experimenting

Keagan is not familiar with a lot of candy yet. For special treats, he's usually into donuts, ice cream, Trader Joe's Alphabet cookies and jelly beans. The wealth of options that arrived in his Halloween pumpkin were all mysterious to him. This morning (yes, before breakfast- it's the day after Halloween, you're allowed!) he decided he wanted to have a piece of candy so we looked in his bucket together. He pulled out a Reese's peanut butter cup. Excellent first choice, my friend. I helped him get it out of the wrapper and he held it for a minute while I explained it was chocolate on the outside and peanut butter on the inside and you bite into it. "I don't like it" was his response, without trying it. "You eat it, Mommy." Oh well, if you insist. I asked him if he wanted to try a lollipop, guessing that was more his speed. My instinct was correct. Although is first response was "It's kind of like medicine" (I think it was a weird flavor, like creamsicle or something). Then he said "It's yummy. It's like ice cream." He had two this morning. We also tried some smarties in a bowl, but he look one lick and decided he didn't like those either. I just don't know what will become of this rejected candy...

1 comment:

Sarah G said...

Hey lady, there is nothing wrong with candy for breakfast even when it's NOT the day after Halloween! ;)

It boggles my mind that someone would not like Reese's Peanut Butter cups. But if you need help eating any other Reese's rejects, you give me a call.